Mino Pimatisiwin School
Mino Pimatisiwin School


2024-06-25 20:54:35


Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 3.45.07 PM

Imperial is pleased to announce we have been awarded the new school in the Seven Oaks district with Parkwest Projects. IMI was awarded the scope of Structural Steel, Delta beams, Joists & Decking, Miscellaneous metals, Feature stairs/railings.

  • The school will house 700 Kindergarten to Grade 8 students and offer both English and French Immersion programs.
  • The design of the school is modeled on Amber Trails Community School. It features  facilities for music, band, home economics, manufacturing and a “maker space”.
  • The gym is full size and will accommodate spectators.
  • The school will house a 74 space childcare center and will also accommodate before and after school programming.
  • “Mino Pimatisiwin” is Anishinaabe for “the good life” or “living life in a good way”.
  • ​The school is slated to open for September 2026.